Tips on How to Read Better and Faster Don’t Dare to miss out

Tips on How to Read Better and Faster Don't Dare to miss out

“Reading skills enable us to explore the uniquely portable magic of books!

(Inspired by a quote by Stephen King)

This skill has the power to transform our lives completely. Because reading good books is the best way to gain exposure, experience, and knowledge. There are many advantages of reading. However, one must know how to read better to make the most of the reading material.  

In the hustle-bustle of our fast-paced lives, many of us look for ways to know how to read more quickly. But again, many of us do not enough about speed reading. In addition, we also lack knowledge about the ways to nurture this skill in our children.

Stay with us till the end to know all about cultivating this skill and improving reading comprehension.

Let’s get started with some facts before we jump to the main topic!

Some Relevant Facts

  • Our inner voice (sub-vocalization) is a barrier to speed reading. We can improve our reading speed by 50% if we control this barrier.
  • Only 42% of the 9-year-old kids and 17% of the 13-year olds chose reading for fun in the U.S.A. (by 2020).
Imporve speed of reading by reducing vocalization

  • As per PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), 81% of the students in the U.S.A. attained a level 2 proficiency in reading.
PISA Scores for US Kids

Let’s discuss some reading strategies now.

What are The 10 Strategies in Reading?

1. Have a No-Distraction Zone

The first and foremost thing that you need while planning how to read more quickly is to create a well-lit, comfortable, and noise-free space. Try to keep the study corner clean, and arrange the chair as per the child’s height.

2. Keep Necessary Supplies Handy

For a student in a traditional school, you must have a dictionary, a highlighter pen, and a notebook handy. It is a good idea to jot down questions and find word meanings.

Students who enroll in online schools often prefer using online dictionaries (or search engines) and are also comfortable in creating virtual notes.    

3. Connect Previous Knowledge and Real-Life Experiences

We must focus on making reading relevant for the child. You must connect real-life experiences to the new learning. Because a child will be able to assimilate new knowledge only with the foundation of new knowledge.

Just a relevant fact here.

As per the National Library of Medicine, (United States Government), prior knowledge has a positive effect on learning engagement. This performance can further be improved by almost 31% by reducing the brain’s cognitive load (the limited capacity of our working memory).

How to read better | Improve performance by reducing cognitive load

4. The Power of Collaboration

Moving on with the strategies to learn how to read better, let’s discuss collaboration now.

In this era of constructivism, and intercultural understanding, we must use the power of collaboration through activities and socializing opportunities. In pioneer schools like International Schooling, there is a lot of focus on planning activities with heterogeneous student groups. This helps students to discuss their findings (or viewpoints) and eventually helps them to make better sense of the text. 

5. Focus on Comprehension

Many times we make the mistake of only learning to read. And in this process, we neglect the importance of comprehension. The structure of texts, headings, subheadings, and charts are clues in content. Try to follow meaningful reading through these clues at the right speed before mastering speed reading.

6. Summarize

Our next point that can help you learn how to read better is to create a summary. This technique may sound age-old. However, summarizing information in a text is a highly effective strategy.

7. Reading + Rereading

When you plan how to teach preschoolers to read, teach the kids to go back to the text and read again. Even at the elementary level when students are not proficient with speed reading, revising or rereading text is a good idea.

8. Seek Support/Clarity

In the best schools, teachers are trained to follow an interdisciplinary approach. This means that they draw the best from several branches of learning (or disciplines). When learning how to read, a student/child must seek the reading help of educators with extensive knowledge across disciplines. For instance, if a student reads a Science fiction novel, and has some doubts (related to word meanings), both the Science and the English teachers can help with these doubts.

9. PQ4R (Preview, Question, Reading, Reflection, Recite, And Review)

This learning strategy/model (PQ4R) is perfect for learning how to read more quickly. Teachers/stakeholders can give students some text to read. They read, reflect on what they read, and recite the findings. Eventually, they review their understanding.

PQ4R technique | How to read better

10. Make the Most of Clues

Text structures, pictures, headings, story characters, plot, etc. can help students to remember the storyline and context well. This is an excellent way to teach how to read better.

Now that we know the strategies, let’s move on to some techniques that help in learning how to read quickly.

Speed Reading Through Skimming and Scanning Techniques


This popular reading technique allows the students to get a general idea of the text without reading it completely. It is a great technique to understand the gist of lengthy texts.

While learning how to read you can teach the child/student to go through the starting and ending paragraphs along with headings, sub-headings, facts, pictures, or main points. Let him/her take down notes of all points and words that they did not understand. Now ask the child to attempt the questions at the end of the text. once again, revisit the text to check the understanding.


Another technique that can help in learning to read is scanning. It allows the reader to identify the main idea in a text quickly. Use some creative activities such as word-hunt, finding keywords, question-answer rounds, etc. It will help your students/child develop the skill of identifying the core idea in a text without reading it fully.

Speed Reading Through Skimming and Scanning Techniques

Moving on, let’s discuss how to teach preschoolers to read.

Tips on How to Read better for Preschoolers?

  • Sing alphabet songs.
  • Share word clues to help the child identify letters, and sounds.
  • Arrange for some printouts to revise familiar words and match them with the text.
  • Work on phonics awareness. Introduce sounds by using magnetic letter blocks and letters, etc. 

At the preschool stage, parents and teachers need to collaborate and build these skills in students.

You can now choose the best online Kindergarten program offered by International Schooling.  

How to Improve Reading Skills?

Quick Tips

  • Practice reading daily
  • Use spacing technique 
  • Select the genre of your choice
  • Pre-read the text to get an idea of the text (Title, subtitle, questions if any, pictures)
  • Try skimming (get the main idea) and scanning (read quickly) frequently

Wrapping Up

As stakeholders, we often overlook our potential to shape the lives of our kids. Trust us when we say that kids can learn new skills better and faster than adults.

Yes! These facts are backed by research (Source- ScienceDaily).

This means that we have more opportunities to help children in learning how to read than we think.

Start using these tips and select the right school that can help your child to develop these skills

Look no further as we have a tailored schooling plan ready for your child!

Connect with International Schooling through this page.

Thanks for Reading!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I read better?
    If you wish to learn how to read more quickly, you must follow PQ4R strategies and seek help whenever you need it.
  • How to become a better reader?
    You must collaborate with peers, select the right material, and practice speed reading.

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