How to Build the Necessary Courage to be a Homeschooling Mom

Homeschooling Mom

It’s a massive step and I really don’t see any point to sugarcoat that fact. The decision itself is life-changing enough and you are about to break all norms of traditional education. Homeschooling is new, it’s adventurous and to tell you the truth, it’s challenging as well. You need the ultimate courage to pull this off. After all, your child’s future is at stake.

Whatever butterflies you are having now, I also had them in my initial years. But I took the leap and it changed our lives forever, in a good way of course. Let me tell you how I did it. Built the courage to opt for homeschooling.

Whenever the sweats appeared, I reminded myself why am I considering it

I was convinced that traditional schooling was not going to be right for my kid. So, every time I had doubts about homeschooling, I kept telling myself that the other option is the very choice I didn’t want in the first place. It really helped.

Surrounded me with like-minded people

There are so many people to instil more fear in you. They will try their very best to make you believe that homeschooling is wrong. This is where you search for other homeschoolers and converse with them. Surround yourself with the latter group and you will be at ease.

Accept that there will be failures and wrong decisions

If we strive to achieve perfection, we will remain scared to take even the first step. Making mistakes is what makes us human and you must come to this acceptance that you will falter at times. It’s a journey, not a race.

Always look at the bigger picture

And keep your patience. If required, write down the pros and cons of homeschooling and weigh your options. This help to remove any lingering fear and help you to decide better. Look way past your fears and see what’s there for you.

Simple but very effective. These worked for me and I hope they do the same for you. Settle down your fears and start this wonderful adventure.

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