Student FAQs

Students must necessarily get the best that we can provide. It is their right and our duty to educate them to the best of our abilities. We are dedicated unilaterally to bring the best to all our students. When a student visits for the first time, he/she should get most of the relevant information about us. International Schooling provides student a transparent and unbiased opportunity to gather information regarding our vision, process and advantages. Keeping this mission to educate the student about us, we have listed some answers to a few important questions that students ask us more frequently.

Answer 1: International Schooling is a schooling platform that provides students an opportunity to complete their education at their convenience. A platform that brings students, teachers, and parents under one roof of a Digital School, a digital platform that lets students study in any location, at any time and across levels of schooling/education including but not limited to K12 Schooling, post-secondary or undergraduate level, post graduate level and professional certification level.

Answer 2: Visit our website, and you’ll find the ‘Enroll Now’ option on the Home Page. You will find all the relevant information on our website. In case, you need any support/guidance, you are always free to write to us on [email protected]. Alternatively, you may also fill the Inquiry Form available on Please enter your correct details and begin the process of your ‘learning’ with us.

Answer 3: If you forget your username, you can click on the ‘Forgot Username/Password’ and you will be guided through a smooth process of recovering your Username/Password or creating a new one as the case may be. Additionally, you may write to us on [email protected] and we will be happy to guide you on the same.

Answer 4: International Schooling is accredited by Cognia, the largest accrediting agency in the world. Our students after completing one or more of the many courses/levels offered by us, are issued certificates, which bear the ‘accredited’ status of our institution. Cognia accreditation is recognized as a stamp of educational excellence globally.

Answer 5: Since International Schooling does not follow a traditional academic calendar, students can enroll and enroll in the courses at any time of the year.

Answer 6: Based on the grade/level/course you’re interested in enrolling for, you are required to have certain previous qualifications. Most of such requirements are already built in our ‘School Management System.’ All such requirements regarding age and previous qualifications are available to you on our ‘School Management System.’ Additionally, we require evidences of all such details/qualifications and credentials and you may be required to submit copies of such proofs/evidences during your enrollment.

Answer 7: No, you don’t need any special technology skills. The basic knowledge on how to use a computer and internet is enough. Our Learning-Management System is very robust, simple and self-guiding. It is built to provide ease and friendliness to students. We believe that all our students must enjoy the process of learning thoroughly.

Answer 8: You can go to our website for all the courses and find out what suits you best. You can then choose the course based on your career plan and eligibility. You can always contact us for information on courses, and we’ll help you choose your grade/course.

Answer 9: When you Enroll with us, you get the option and freedom to choose your grade/subjects, in accordance with your eligibility and preference. Upon the successful completion of your enrolment with us, you gain access to our ‘Learning-Management System’ where all your classes/lectures/assignments and other academic work/milestones are mentioned. You will have a clear roster/time-table of classes that you will need to attend.

Answer 10: You may not change your subject/course as you’re required to complete the entire course to be promoted to another course. However, in most cases, you will have to pay for the new course that you opt for.

Answer 11: Yes, there are options of transferring your previous credits, coursework and academic accomplishments. You are guided through such options, when you enroll with us.

Answer 12: All the study materials and resources are provided online. Students can access them through their preferred (or as prescribed by International Schooling) devices, at their preferred locations and at convenient milestones during their perusal of the course.

Answer 13:  All materials required for the course are provided online, and reference books/sources for further study are also suggested on our Learning-Management System. A student gets thorough information to pursue his/her studies with utmost convenience.

Answer 14:  Yes, International Schooling has a dedicated pool of academicians and subject-matter experts, whose support and guidance may be sought at various times and intervals.

Answer 15: Yes, International Schooling provides you continuous and convenient guidance and support during your entire duration of association with us. We welcome you to write to us on [email protected] or else access our support-team through your account on our Learning-Management System.

Answer 16: Yes, International Schooling continuously monitors and guides all its students through its academic and support teams. All your ‘Log-in’ hours and your coursework is thoroughly monitored.

Answer 17:  You can choose to study at your own time and location. However, International Schooling expects you to complete the prescribed number of hours that are required to efficiently complete your course and learning and earn successful credits (wherever applicable). In this manner, your attendance is important.

Answer 18:  You can earn credits by choosing courses and completing them. You can also choose extra courses provided you are able to put in the prescribed time and input needed to complete such coursework. 

Answer 19:  You can choose to take your examinations/tests, based on the completion of certain milestones in your course. You will get all such information during the process of enrollment and pursuance of your coursework.

Answer 20:  All the tests and quizzes will be provided online. Students have to progress through them sequentially and are not allowed to skip through the areas unless so is allowed by International Schooling.

Answer 21:  Yes, you will receive the applicable certificate/diploma upon the successful completion of your coursework/level.

Answer 22:  Each course has a different fee based on the grade/level/subjects. Once you enroll with us, you will be guided through our fee structure, prior to the final payment applicable to you.

Answer 23:  Upon the successful completion of your course/level with International Schooling, you will be issued a certificate/diploma. You may provide this certificate/diploma to your academic counselor/guide at the college/university that you are applying to. 

Answer 24:  Contact us here. You can fill in the ‘Inquiry Form’ directly on our website or click on the ‘Contact Us’ tab. Alternatively, you may write to us on [email protected] or [email protected].

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