Homeschooling is a major step in a family’s life. If you are feeling overwhelmed about making the decision and having butterflies every time you think about it, be sure that you are not
Homeschooling is a major step in a family’s life. If you are feeling overwhelmed about making the decision and having butterflies every time you think about it, be sure that you are not alone. It’s a choice that is going to shape your child’s future and you will have to put in a lot of commitment on your part.
But things do not have to be this difficult. Homeschooling does bring along a lot of advantages and let this post help you to make a stress-free decision.
Here are some useful tips for you about things you must do, the steps you must take and processes you must walk through to make an informed choice. Hope this helps you to ascertain that you and your child are ready for homeschooling in Singapore and guarantee a bright future for your children.
Before you take the leap, you must go through the homeschooling laws that your State maintains. If you are homeschooling in Singapore then the first question you should ask is - Is homeschooling legal in Singapore? Take note of the requirements, the legal age your child must be before enrolling and the documents you need to maintain. There are separate laws if your child is already registered into a public school and see what all you need to do to make the transfer. All these will help you to decide the right time to enrol your child for homeschooling. You do not want a situation where you pull your kid out from a public school only to find that he/she is not eligible for homeschooling for another year. Take your time and do your research.
You shouldn’t opt for homeschooling just because someone told you that it is the right option for every child. It should be a well-informed decision, a choice that you’ll have to make and stick to with full commitment. For this, make a list of the pros and cons that come to your mind about homeschooling your child and see which one is weighing more.
Bring both your child and spouse into the loop. Seek out other family members whose opinion you trust. A friend with homeschooling experience will be of great help. Take in all the suggestions and decide if your family is ready for homeschooling in Singapore courses. And if you are still confused, there’s always the next tip.
If you are considering homeschooling you must make an effort to connect with other homeschool parents. There are many online support groups and discussion forums where homeschooling newbies and veterans come together to help each other. These communities can help you kick start your homeschooling journey with ease. Experienced parents will help you in the decision-making process while your peers, the new entrants in this field, can help you to communicate. Being around people with a similar mindset goes a long way to help you. Children can also use such communities by sharing their feelings and apprehension with fellow students who are getting homeschooled in Singapore.
After you have made the decision, selecting the right curriculum will be your next major hurdle. In your application, you will find a list of interesting subjects and this will most certainly make you feel that your child must learn all. In the process, you might end up over-selecting, paying unnecessarily high amounts and burden your child.
The best way to deal with this is to ask the child which subject interests him/her. Accordingly, you can choose the curriculum that revolves around the child’s interests. If science is what your child names, then mathematics is a must. There’s no point in forcing national history into the list. A homeschooling program like International Schooling offers a new-age convenient schooling option with a comprehensive and globally relevant curriculum.
The main difference between homeschooling with standard schooling is that it is you who sets the schedule. When to get up, which subject to study on which day and even the time to take a break. This factor can help the learner and the tutor in many ways. If your child performs the best after sundown, you shouldn’t set a morning study hour for him/her.
Take note of your child’s behaviour and interests and plan your schedule accordingly. See when you or your spouse is available during the day and decide when your child can go out and play.
Institutes and enthusiasts keep conducting conventions and workshops just to help new homeschoolers like you. Scan through the internet once in a while to find out such conventions and enrol in them. Such events are more than just handing out leaflets and books. You will often find expert speakers sharing their wisdom and providing you tips on how to homeschool your child in the best possible way.
Also, keep track of other families who are homeschooling in your vicinity. If your children are enrolled in the same grade, you can really get together to share valuable notes. This will also help your child to gain some exposure to the outside world and make new friends along the way. You may pick up on a few homeschooling methods that the other family is following and consider sharing your experience with them.
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