Self-Paced Learning (Be Confident With LMS!)
The learning needs of every student are different, and so is their learning pace. Some students catch certain fundamentals and topics better and faster than others. However, students who learn slower than others may also understand or perform better than their fast-learning peers and International Schooling ensures that. It understands ways of helping slow learners and allows students to learn and assimilate at their own pace. There is complete freedom to delve deep into a concept or topic and understand the details.

Some of the most renowned scientists, politicians and entrepreneurs are known to be slow learners during their early years. With the best homeschools, like International Schooling, learning is all about individual freedom and convenience. The deadlines are flexible, and the timelines are fluid. Some fundamentals are responsible for being the stepping stones for other fundamentals. If the learning is hastened, the entire chain of knowledge is disrupted. International Schooling is one of the best homeschools for slow learners as it enables experiential and concrete learning, which seems like a farfetched dream in regular schools.

Several students get demotivated by mundane and strict teaching structures and eventually lose interest in their studies. Parents can also do little to help their children in this regard. Sending slow learners to 'Special Needs' schools may or may not be a viable solution. To break the stigma that slow learning necessarily means hindered intelligence, International Schooling, with its very inclusive approach towards education, devised mechanisms and lesson plans to enable slow learners to catch pace with their peers.

Devising a flexible learning curriculum was a challenge for us. However, the solution to slow learning demanded that we, as one of the best homeschools for slow learners, take this challenge head on.

Over the years of research, we have been able to build a study system that adapts itself to the child's learning needs and not vice versa. Books, lectures and tutorials are aided with visuals and graphics supplementing slow learning. We are still very new to this endeavour and would like to hear from parents and children alike to work on methodologies to enhance the learning of our students.