International Schooling Corporation's Accreditation Creates A New Opportunity For All Schools And Institutions Globally

International Schooling Corporation (ISC) is now offering opportunities to institutions to begin their own accredited online school.
International Schooling Corporation (ISC) is now officially accredited by Cognia, the largest and most prestigious school accreditation organization, which also serves as the common consortium of 40,000 plus accredited schools globally, in the accreditation spheres of 3 US Regional Accreditors, NCA CASI, SACS CASI & NWAC. In a major development on June 18, International Schooling Corporation received its status of 'Accredited' from Cognia. ISC provides online schooling options for Grades KG-12 and also offers a number of diploma and certificate courses at the post-secondary level, through its online school. ISC is now ready to offer these benefits of online school through institutions and partners around the world. With International Schooling Corporation (ISC) now being officially accredited as an online school corporation, there is a new opportunity for all schools and institutions around the world. Irrespective of which country they are located in, they can immediately go ahead and explore the opportunity of joining the network of ISC and beginning their own online school.

“Over the last 5 days, we have already received over 150 inquiries from schools in 37 different countries. We are overwhelmed by the amazing response and are getting back to each of these schools to let them know the way forward. While we have a simple process of granting authorization, we will not be able to authorize each one of them. Moreover, we welcome more schools, colleges, institutions and even organizations to get in touch with us so that we can help them serve learners in their respective countries.The major advantage for schools here is that, once they are granted authorization as a network school of ISC, they don't have to go through the long and demanding process of securing accreditation on their own; they kind of become accredited from the day we authorize them. So I want to tell all the school leaders that this is your chance to start your own online school by becoming a network school of ISC” Dr Anne Marie-Woolsey, Director of Global Innovation, ISC, says when asked about how ISC's accreditation opens doors for institutions around the world. ISC has been serving the interest of learners and parents around the world for a long time now and is widely regarded as one of the most learner-friendly online schooling options.



It seems ISC is all prepared to handle the new challenges in education and come out victorious.

