The requisite of every learner, a benevolent advocate, an exponent, an empathetic ear! Who is that? “A counselor”. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Openings for K-12 school and career counselors
The requisite of every learner, a benevolent advocate, an exponent, an empathetic ear! Who is that? “A counselor”.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Openings for K-12 school and career counselors are projected to grow by 11% from 2016 to 2026, creating 33,000 new jobs.
Let us first define the most important terminology over here that is, "Counselor" before diving into the exploration of counseling and its characteristics. A student counselor is a certified and trained professional who provides academic guidance, socio-emotional support, career guidance, college readiness, consultations, and program coordination to all students. An educational counselor usually have a degree in psychology or its related fields. Apart from that he or she is equipped with skills, knowledge, and expertise which are implemented for the holistic development of a child.
A student counselor not only provides academic counseling or guidance but also helps students identify their caliber, capacities, and interests. The student counselor aids in achieving their learning outcomes. This way an educational counselor helps to prevent dropouts, mental health issues, and other concerns surrounding a school-age child. Thus, a counselor is an important figure in any school!
Likewise, an educational counselor who works in a virtual setting or environment and provides socio-emotional or academic counseling sessions to students sitting at a remote location via a digital medium is known as an online school counselor. Being an online school counselor, he or she adheres to the same standard as in traditional or physical school. There is not a thin sheet of difference between online and in-person counseling, but the absolute fact is that an online counseling is much more effective as compared to the other ways, you will get to know that as soon as you opt for it. Try Once! A homeschool counselor has the same degree, skills, knowledge, and expertise as a conventional school counselor.
All in all, you can say that a counselor is someone who removes barriers to academic achievement!
Source: People For Education
There can be a variety of reasons for which students enroll themselves in virtual school. For instance, if:
Thus, any student can face some kind of issues or trouble which needs to be sorted out at the earliest. That’s where online school counselors come into the picture!
A very important segment to understand here is that even if the school counselor works within the in-person setting or physical school, he or she also needs to take the aid of technology and implement virtual, or distance counseling to deliver remote sessions. This way, a counselor gets to connect with parents who cannot meet in person or during remote learning times, and various other reasons. It has become a necessary practice to incorporate technological strategies to deliver counseling duties more efficiently. So, now you understand how important an online mode for socio-emotional, career, and academic counseling is and how vital a virtual setting has become in this digital era!
Here are some key duties mentioned that a homeschool counselor performs:
There are ample amount of ways by which one can become an online school counselor. One can earn a bachelor's degree in psychology, behavioral sciences, social sciences, or education field. To be an educational counselor, you must earn a good school counselor degree! Following that you can achieve a master's degree in school counseling. Along with these, you can apply for internships to acquire more dexterity.
After that pass any entrance exams for certifications or licensure. Apart from all these, you can enroll yourself in professional development classes. This will refresh your industry knowledge. Gain some good experience and stay updated with recent trends to be efficient. It's very important to brush up your knowledge and skills in any field so that you never get out of touch. The more you will expand your skill set, the more employable you become! What's more necessary is that it should be your passion to serve school-age children in their educational voyage.
Conclusively, a counselor acts as a guiding light for students in steering the pathway to their academic success. As discussed above, there is no difference between virtual and in-person counseling sessions, you will see the moment you experience it and find its plentifuller benefits. To be an efficient counselor one must upgrade their knowledge database every time and be passionate about serving the students.
Mira Lew
Oct 23, 2023
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