Broadening the Idea Space with the Best Brainstorming Techniques


Brainstorming techniques create a pool of ideas to find credible solutions for a given problem. When planned well, this technique can be highly productive in an online classroom. But on the other hand, a poorly planned session can ruin the entire purpose!

If you are an online teacher/facilitator, this is your chance to use brainstorming as one of the best teaching methodologies to hone the thinking abilities of your students.

In this article, we will explore the advantages of brainstorming techniques. And the best ways to use these teaching methodologies.

Stay glued to learning a step-by-step process involving teaching and teaching methods while using brainstorming techniques!

What are Brainstorming Techniques?

In simple words, brainstorming is a technique that promotes creative thinking by collaborating with others (team or group members). It encourages new ways of thinking and involves multiple innovative approaches to look for solutions from different perspectives. As one of the most effective teaching methodologies in the 21st century, brainstorming challenges most conventional methods of disseminating information. It is more about broadening one’s horizon to look for solutions. And find these after scrutinizing the issue/problem from any imaginable aspect.
Can brainstorming help your students for real?
Let’s figure it out!

Unsung Benefits of Brainstorming Technique

For a teacher method of teaching is one of the strong determinants of learning outcomes.
Well-planned brainstorming techniques are great teaching methodologies that help to:

  • Spark curiosity about new topics
  • Eliminate the fear of expressing new ideas
  • Boost thinking skills beyond the regular paradigm
  • Reflect on existing ideas/theories
  • Analyze facts through different perspectives
  • Draw conclusions based on rational findings
  • Overcome the inhibition to express ideas in a group
  • Learn about the respectful ways of presenting ideas (as per the accepted norms)
  • Understand the true advantages of collaborating with peers/others

In the next section, we will discover how this technique can be put into practice while online teaching. 

How to Use Brainstorming (Online Teaching)?

Step-by-Step Process to Implement the Most Effective of All Teaching Strategies?

Step 1- Prep for your session 

Before you get started with ideas related to teaching and teaching methods plan the session outline. Set a time limit, get a session brief ready, look for ways to test the previous knowledge, and aim at high-level engagement. Divide your students into heterogeneous groups. Keep different types of learners scattered into different groups to collate a diverse pool of ideas from each group. Do a quick test check with your recordings, sound, and technical aspects for a seamless session. After this, you will be good to go!

Step 2- Define the problem (Open the discussion)

Present the idea/problem creatively. Be indirect and use the effective questioning technique to drive participation. Just like other teaching and teaching methods, encourage ideas from introverted students along with others right from the start.

Step 3- Take charge and build on ideas

Brainstorming is one of the teaching strategies that require precise teaching and teaching methods. Always refrain from giving away solutions randomly. Instead, be a guide and build on the ideas presented by the students.

During the session keep the other aspects of online teaching in mind, and make sure you do not let the discussion be sidetracked or dominated by particular groups. And facilitate the session in a way that stays open, fair, creative, and short. Remember that it is the presence of a fair mentor that makes it easier for all participants to stay focused throughout the session.
Before we leave you, here are some tips!

Quick Tips to Plan a Good Brainstorming Session

  • You can enhance your online teaching by being thoroughly prepared. Make your notes well in advance.
  • Collaborate with your peers to learn their best practices.
  • Create a session rule chart in advance and let the students be on the same page.
  • Unlike other teaching strategies, brainstorming techniques boost creativity wherein no idea/opinion is right or wrong. Get into this mindset before you start the session.
  • Get pre-session worksheets/writing assignments ready beforehand. And plan these before the session.
  • Set yourself free from bios and embrace novel ideas to promote design thinking.
  • Plan enough breaks to keep boredom at bay.
  • Reinforce participation. And keep encouraging inputs of all types.
  • Help students to build a mindset wherein they are ready to benefit from the ideas of others.
  • Take rough notes and mention any exceptional achievement/progress by any teacher separately during the PTMs or results.
  • Use interdisciplinary teaching methodologies to weave knowledge across different subject areas.
  • Connect threads of knowledge to build on the forthcoming sessions basis the performance and success of the present one.

Pro Tip for Online Teaching

The brainstorming model is most commonly used to hone problem-solving abilities.
However, your lesson-planning abilities can always add value to this session. Prepare the overview to know the aims of the brainstorming session. Jot down minute objectives, see if you need some material, and plan instructions to make this activity a success. Simple opening lines sound to start or stop group-wise idea presentations always make teaching strategies like brainstorming a success. Know the time limit and plan a way to keep track of anything that can deviate from the discussion. Preempt your challenges. And look for creative ways to present your final findings after the session.

Final Thoughts

In a world where problem-solving and creative thinking are some of the highly sought-after skills, techniques like brainstorming are stupendous for developing design-thinking abilities in students. In a survey, 35% of the companies confirmed that creative thinking is the most important core skill. Similarly, 38% of them considered analytical thinking as the most important one.

Future-proof your students as per the needs of the digital world. Stay motivated to hone your teaching and teaching methods delivery to prepare your students for an adaptive workforce!
Before you leave, we invite you to discover the best online education programs for K-12 students. Do visit this page to learn more about International Schooling!
Thanks for Reading!

Frequently Asked Question

Q1. How is brainstorming different from the teacher’s method of teaching?

Ans: Brainstorming is a highly interactive way of generating ideas with a creative approach. It does not require too many ready-made solutions. And brings excellent results when students with different thinking styles pool their innovative ideas. A teacher is a guide and a mentor throughout the process. He/she does not dominate the discussion. In this way, brainstorming is one of the best teaching strategies to make students actively involved in their learning.

Q2. Is Brainstorming one of the teaching methodologies that requires too much planning?

Ans: All teaching methodologies, need planning and so does brainstorming. If you are well-planned there are always fewer chances of deviating from the purpose.

Mira Lew

Sep 11, 2024

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