Flipped classroom is a highly effective approach to improve student engagement and collaboration. In this age of digitalization, this instructional strategy is highly beneficial. Because it allows students to utilize both the asynchronous and synchronous duration perfectly. It is an ideal approach that helps them to understand even the most complicated parts of a topic better (with the help of problem-solving sessions). And students can complete the less complicated part easily at home.
Let’s delve in deeper and understand more about this approach.
Broadly, this model includes prerecorded material circulated among the students for preparing for a collaborative discussion. It can include short videos or an online resource that students use to gain a deep understanding of the topic. This home learning duration is then followed by a teacher-guided session. It is used for doubt clearing and extends the opportunity of understanding varied perspectives on the same topic.
This approach was also used in a traditional classroom, but now with the growing popularity of online education, this approach has proved to be a great support to the online teaching and learning processes.
Before we discuss the benefits of this model and the ways to implement it, let’s take you through some interesting facts:
Now that we know about this model, let’s move on to its advantages for students:
Collaboration is working together in small groups towards a common goal. In a flipped classroom, students are active learners and they construct their knowledge by collaborating with their peers. The best part about virtual learning is that students acquire a deeper understanding of the topic/subject matter. And for this, they do not need to visit a physical classroom. And they also learn how to apply their knowledge through meaningful interactions.
Once the students receive the educational content, they can interact with their peers before attending the teacher’s session. It is a wonderful way of promoting meaningful interactions among students from varied cultures and backgrounds.
Do you know that online education can improve a student’s retention of information?
In fact, online learning can help students to retain almost 25 to 60% more material in comparison with traditional learning.
This advantage of virtual learning translates perfectly through approaches like the flipped classroom. Because digital content and its preparation (discussions, applying gained knowledge, improvising the content, etc.) motivates students to add more value to their learning. Better student participation and active learning opportunities make students take ownership of their learning. And naturally, they retain the acquired knowledge better.
According to a leading journal, flipping in the classroom is a support for all types of students. This includes the ones who struggle academically. This model gives them enough time to prepare for a topic. In addition, they can re-watch content over and over again, take notes, grasp concepts at their own pace. And also seek more support through one-on-one instructions. Owing to these striking advantages, this approach is rightly believed to be the future of learning in the times to come.
Regular classrooms can cause varied distractions to students. But this student-centric approach is a credible solution to all such challenges that teachers and students face in their everyday lives. With this approach, students have an opportunity to indulge in meaningful interactions that are highly productive. They also feel a sense of responsibility that in turn boosts their self-discipline and motivation to perform well. Contrary to regular instructions (lecture-based methods), and mundane methods, this instructional approach is more effective in enhancing the student’s zeal to learn.
Now that we know enough about this approach, let’s explore some other aspects.
Broadly, this approach is highly effective for students who can interact and engage in discussions, perform tasks collaboratively, and love to solve problems. While this model suits most students well, it is up to the teacher to create groups mindfully with a heterogeneous mix of all different types of students. A well-planned instructional delivery design can suit varied types of complex topics that can suit students (such as burning issues, problems, or sums in Math, etc.)
Let’s move on to the aspects of this model for teachers.
In an online learning environment, flipping in the classroom creates tailored learning opportunities for students. A research can help us understand the best way to use this model in a classroom.
According to the ‘Open Journal for Educational Research, 2019’ (Center for Open Access in Science), teachers can implement this model in three stages:
The systematic planning of this model depends on the teacher’s expertise to understand how and what should the students learn. Post the planning part, this design can be implemented. And the evidence of the student’s understanding can be used to gauge the level of success of the overall design.
The future of learning in this digital age is highly dependent on our delivery models and the capability to meet the unique learning need of students. The good news is that online schools and digital learning platforms have already revolutionized the world of education through high-quality online content. Approaches like flipping in the classroom can eliminate numerous hindrances to learning (such as distractions in a noisy classroom and academic pressure etc.). In fact, these can reach out to all types of students, making them more active, happy, engaged, and motivated to learn. The best part about this approach is that it is a wonderful way to develop a ‘LOVE FOR LEARNING’. And needless to say, students would cherish this unmatched advantage throughout their lives!
Edwin Lim
Mar 21, 2023
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