Online Vs. Traditional School: Which Is the Better Choice? 


Carlos, a 15-year-old boy who has just moved to EL SALVADOR because of his father’s transfer, is now perplexed because he has to continue his academic journey in a whole new country. With a lot of research, he came across two options, either he can attend a traditional school or he can continue his studies through an accredited online school.

He has always attended traditional school since kindergarten, so he knew what it would be like, but he didn’t know much about the concept of an online school, so he conducted thorough research into the world of online education for almost a week. He was astonished by the number of advantages that online schools were offering such as personalized learning, flexibility, and the option of One-To-One learning, therefore, he decided to enroll in an online school and continue his studies.

In today’s fast-paced world where almost everything is possible online, whether it’s shopping, working, or handling businesses, getting the chance to study at an online school is a boon for this generation because of the benefits it has to offer and the time that it saves.

Let’s find out the differences between Traditional and Online schools to understand which should be a perfect choice for children.

What is a Traditional School?

Traditional schooling has been one of the most proficient methods of providing education to students since 1635, and it has been considered one of the most conventional ways of gaining access to knowledge by the majority of parents since then. In a traditional school, you have to be physically present in the classroom to study. 


With a certain set of structured curriculum, students gain a sense of discipline and they get acquainted with time management skills.Meanwhile, there is a lack of flexibility because the curriculum is very rigid. It is impossible to serve every child’s needs according to them.
Being physically present in a classroom offers a wide range of opportunities for students to interact with each other.On the other hand, the bullying rate in traditional schools is rising, leaving a bad imprint on the student’s mental health and their overall self-esteem.
It is good for the students to attend lectures in person because that makes it easy for the students to grasp the concepts.On the other hand, it is a huge constraint because it is almost impossible for the teacher to give attention to every child in the class.
Traditional schools are affordable because they have minimal fees.It also comes with a lot of additional expenses such as transportation, books, stationery, project work, etc.

What is an Online School?

Online learning is one of the prominent ways of gaining education in today’s world. Every prospect of learning is practiced online, whether it’s classes, assignments, debates, interim exams, etc.

Online vs Traditional School: How is it different?

Online and traditional schooling vary a lot from each other because of various reasons:

Online schoolingTraditional schooling
Online schools are affordable and save a lot of additional costs.Traditional schools are more expensive compared to online schools because they add up to a lot of additional expenses such as traveling, stationary, and study resource maintenance. 
Online schools cater to the different needs and interests of the children so that they can excel in what they decide to study.Traditional schooling fails to cater to the needs of the students because it provides a specific set of curriculum that doesn’t give students much flexibility to explore their interests and study what they like.
Online schools can be accessed easily from any corner of the world through any device whether it’s a mobile, iPad, or laptop.Traveling back and forth from school adds additional expenses and leaves students exhausted.
Studying online with students from worldwide will help the students gain a whole new perspective and a lot of exposure to the outside world.Meanwhile, the limited opportunities and people with the same mindset won’t lead to the students gaining any sort of exposure.
In Online schools, students can choose One-To-One learning so that they can get undivided attention and study without any distractions.In traditional schools, it is almost impossible for the teacher to give attention to every student and it is hard to concentrate on studies because of the students in class.
There are a lot of opportunities to interact with other students through extracurricular activities and student-led groups with similar interests.Students get bullied a lot in physical school which affects their mental health and their overall self-esteem.
Online Vs Traditional Schooling throughout the years
According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, more than 6.3 students opted for E-learning in the year 2020.According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, there has been a huge decline of over 1 million students from traditional schooling since 2019.

Advantages of Online School 

  • Flexible – The best thing that online learning has to offer is the amount of flexibility you get. You can take classes at any hour of the day without any inconvenience. 
  • Convenient – You can study from any corner of the world with any device such as a mobile, iPad, or laptop.
  • Cost-Effective – Studying online automatically saves you travel, resources, and additional expenses. It is way more affordable than attending a traditional school.
  • Diversity of Courses – Digital schooling provides a plethora of different courses for everyone, so you can choose your perfect preference without having to compromise on your interests.
  • Personalized Learning – Through this, you get the chance to study what you want, not what the curriculum is telling you to. You can curate your course according to your interests.
  • Global Exposure – When studying in an online school, you will interact with students from all around the world, which will help you see the world through a wider and clearer lens.
  • Self-Paced Learning – You also get the option to opt for self-paced learning if you do not wish to attend classes or interact with people.
  • Skill Development – While you’re studying online, you save a lot of time that you can put into other things and enhance the skills that you are interested in.
projected rise of online education | online vs traditional school

According to the U.S. Department of Education, in 2004, only 5% of  K-12 students were enrolled in online education institutions. By 2024, it is predicted that the estimated percentage of students opting for online schooling will go up to 50% or more.

So, if the amount convinces you of the perks that online schooling offers rather than traditional schools. Then to secure your child’s academic success, it is essential to make the right choice by choosing one of the best online schools for your child so that they can flourish academically without any limitations.

International Schooling is the perfect choice for your child because Cognia, a world-renowned accreditation body, accredits it. We provide everything that is required for a student to attain academic success and their overall personality by gaining critical thinking, interpersonal, and communication skills.

Our features comprise 500+ courses, learning flexibility, global exposure, live classes, One-To-One learning, credit recovery courses, flexy programs, Meet your classmate, weekly progress reports, personalized counseling, etc. Through these features, the student will develop a lot of skills such as creativity, critical thinking, interpersonal skills, etc. and extracurricular activities such as debates, discussions, and other student-led communities will help them to enhance their overall personality. 

So don’t wait, seize the moment now.

Visit this Enrollment Page and enroll your child today to secure their future.

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