In an online learning environment strategies of classroom management are imperative for a teacher. In fact, a survey proves that the quality of online instruction is one of the prominent reasons why students
In an online learning environment strategies of classroom management are imperative for a teacher. In fact, a survey proves that the quality of online instruction is one of the prominent reasons why students choose or reject this medium.
A survey conducted in the USA, (as of 2022) highlighted that around 16% of students had concerns about the handholding and academic support provided during online instructions.
In the present times, virtual learning has seen stupendous growth. As a result, there is more focus on teaching and learning practices in online settings. To date, many teachers find it difficult to manage a classroom in the online mode. However, this challenge can be addressed better in order to create an enriched teaching and learning environment.
Let’s delve deeper into this topic. And understand how a teacher can address the student’s needs. And manage them well in the virtual learning settings.
Here’s a look at the top strategies that can help you to master the art of teaching online:
Online classrooms are quite different from physical teaching and learning settings. In fact, an online educator must know his/her role properly in order to create the right learning environment that promotes interaction and mutual respect.
Dressing up well and being organized is the first thing that helps to set the momentum in your virtual classroom. As an educator, you must look professional and get all your stuff ready before the virtual session starts. Teachers who look for missing notes, or are unprepared fail to engage students virtually. These small aspects have a big impact. And your entire session can lose its purpose if these things go wrong. Never expect to maintain decorum and mutual respect if you do not get the basics right. In fact, getting these basics right will help you to make the most of your online session.
One of the top features of an accredited online school is the level of professionalism of the educators. This makes the right impact, as students also learn to be organized and disciplined in the able hands of a well-prepared teacher.
We all know that discipline issues are a part and parcel of any classroom. If you teach online, you must define boundaries, and set class rules. And tackle any discipline issues immediately. Do not allow any student to take over the class environment through distracting actions. It will be difficult to get all the students back on track if you do not handle such students with any such intention. Just like a regular class, an online school also has strategies of classroom management. Be aware of your duties as a teacher. And do not hesitate to escalate any matter that causes disturbance to your class decorum.
You can handle students with constant discipline issues through warnings, counseling sessions, and even by seeking the parent’s intervention (as per requirement). Do set your class guidelines well in advance. And politely inform the students about the consequences of their undesirable actions. Your firm, well-mannered yet proactive approach will certainly help you to keep these issues at bay.
According to the ‘Programme for International Student Assessment’, motivation and engagement are the most important driving forces that affect a student’s learning. It also determines a student’s depth of understanding.
An engaging classroom environment not just promotes better learning. In fact, it also helps in inculcating a general love for learning in students.
Get to know your students well. And understand their unique learning preferences to personalize their learning experiences. Your lesson must include several opportunities for interactions (teacher to student and student to student). Real-time interactions and dialogues add great value to your online class. Try to engage all types of students effectively through the knowledge of varied learning styles, and intelligence types. And do not hesitate to apply the related theories that can add more value to your teaching.
For instance, Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory,Skinner’sOperant conditioning, Constructivism, and Cognitive psychology, etc. Map the learning needs of students and add elements in your classroom that can serve them well. Brain breaks, activities, and interactive discussions boost the student’s interest levels. Keep all the necessary factors in mind. And ensure that the students get equal opportunities to participate.
Another way to manage a classroom and build a great rapport with students is to involve them in some decision-making. Let your students be on the same page while deciding class rules, verbal and non-verbal clues, etc. In addition, you can also create an action plan that includes varied methods to deal with defaulters through positive feedback. These simple strategies will break the monotony of a regular classroom. And the virtual learning space will be full of positive energy with deep student-teacher bonding.
Online schooling and remote learning are the future of education. This trend is picking up at an unimaginable pace. As more and more students are now switching from a traditional classroom to an online learning platform.
In the USA, 45.5% of students opted for a distance learning course in the year 2020 (higher education). On the other hand, the preference for distance learning was 97% higher for undergraduate students (between the years 2019-20)
These facts prove how our education system has embraced this change. But our students will be able to experience the real advantage of online education only if our teachers are well-trained in online teaching. These classroom management techniques will prepare teachers to master the art of teaching in a virtual classroom. Hope we could add some value to your knowledge and expertise. Do try these techniques and tips in your classroom management.
Thanks for Reading and Happy Teaching!
Online teaching is quite different from a traditional classroom. A teacher needs to know the online classroom etiquette, strategies that work in a virtual learning environment, and the ways to engage a heterogeneous group of students virtually.
Edwin Lim
Mar 23, 2023
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