Homeschooling In Hong Kong Without Spending A Fortune – 5 Budget Tips


Homeschooling in Hong Kong: – Are you a parent who has decided to homeschool their children in Hong Kong? Do you need help planning your homeschooling budget? Worry No More! 

We have selected the 5 best tips on homeschool budgeting to make your life easy. Follow the next section to learn more.

First, pat yourself when choosing your future schooling method. While schooling in Hong Kong is highly rewarding regarding learning outcomes, it is equally expensive. According to various surveys, the average regular schooling costs range from HK$150,500 for kindergarten students to HK$215,000 for Grade 12 students.

On the other hand, homeschooling is a much more cost-effective choice- it eliminates spending on hefty tuition fees, traveling, boarding, uniforms, accessories, etc. Besides, it offers parents and students more control regarding learning flexibility, choice of curriculum and courses, and space for following passions, etc.

Thus, homeschooling in Hong Kong has become attractive among parents. However, not every parent is good at financial planning and resource allocation. It often leads to spending more than saving the hard-earned money that can be used for future needs, such as their children’s higher education, medical expenses, etc.

Therefore, we have given you the following 5 tips on budgeting homeschooling to save your hard-earned money. These will help you with better planning and resource allocation and getting the maximum benefits from the minimum investment. Start taking notes and save all along!

Homeschooling In Hong Kong Without Spending A Fortune – 5 Budget Tips

Hand Down Homeschooling Material

Spending money on new books and accessories every year can be quite expensive. Therefore, it is always useful to reuse and recycle them till they are useful. It will not only save you some costs but also cultivate a culture of sustainable use of resources in your children.

Encourage your young children to use the books and study materials of an elder sibling who got promoted to a higher grade. You can also pool similar resources from your neighborhood.

Get Free Curriculum Resources Online

We live in a digital age, and almost all the information we need today is available online on various websites and platforms. Therefore, put your online research skills and get the best free online resources for your use. For instance, websites like provide invaluable resources that are helpful in grooming new homeschoolers.

Recycle Your Household Materials For Crafts And Projects

Recycling is a good way of extracting the maximum benefit out of any product. We regularly do this for general household activities, and now it is time for you to start the same for your children’s homeschooling projects, crafts, etc.

Use your cereal boxes, toilet roll cardboard, plastic bottles, or old toothbrushes to create mind-blowing projects and models. It will also increase creativity and save hundreds of dollars on stationery items. Encourage your children to keep used items and think of ways to reuse them in their studies.

Buy In Bulk And Buy Online

It is always cheaper to buy things in the off-season, in bulk, or from the wholesale markets. Many e-commerce platforms offer items at huge discounts during off-seasons or after refurbishing items. If you need to buy new stuff, get along with other homeschooling families in Hong Kong and order in bulk while sharing the cost among yourselves. You will also get discounts on bulk orders and create a repository. You may also consider sites like eBay, where you can purchase used materials.

Once Done, Sell It

Our general tendency is to keep items we use in the hope of future use. However, we do not realize the capital invested in it and the wear and tear the items undergo with time while lying idle. Therefore, when your child passes a grade, return the favor to other homeschoolers and sell or lend their study materials to them. You can also earn good money from this activity, which can be used to purchase useful homeschooling accessories. Find social media groups or online forums where used items are sold. Remember, every penny you make or save is a bonus.

While these were our top tips to help you out in homeschool budgeting, these are some additional tips that you can follow:

  1. Using data-saving modes in digital learning devices.
  2. Purchasing budget data plans as per your usage.
  3. Utilizing maximum daylight while studying to save electricity.
  4. Downloading study materials using trusted public wifi.
  5. Using public libraries and rented study materials. 
  6. Encourage pooling and sharing of learning resources among friends.

Homeschooling can become a fun journey if you are stress-free. We hope you use these homeschool budget tips to cut unnecessary costs and save money for your child’s college and future. 

Happy homeschooling! 🙂

Mira Lew

Jul 19, 2024

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