Homeschool is symbolic of creativity. The shackles of average conventional schooling do not tie down the student in the homeschool version. The child is free to create projects and participate in experiential learning
Homeschool is symbolic of creativity. The shackles of average conventional schooling do not tie down the student in the homeschool version. The child is free to create projects and participate in experiential learning by doing things.
The child can choose a curriculum that gives her a scope to be creative. Fine arts, dance, drama, music can be a part of the lessons and earn credits for the student. Many a time conventional schools cannot offer these courses as the number of students applying for the course is too low, or teachers are not available.
The student can indulge in creative projects and do a lot of allied activity with the course. For example, if she is studying botany she can grow her own garden.
Travel and excursions can be a part of the learning process. The long nature walks and open-air create a much bigger impact than what is seen in a normal classroom.
There is a lot of extra time that is saved in the commute and less of activities that the child does not enjoy. It is a good idea to start a complementing course that is more action based and conducive to an alternate career. My child was not a very academically inclined child, so we honed her aptitude towards creative activities like painting and today she is earning a degree in the most prestigious art school. The parent is the best judge of her child’s potential.
Homeschool allows the parents and children to explore the facets of practical learning that is not available in a conventional school. The reputed organizations like International Schooling can be instrumental in introducing many new avenues of learning in a creative environment. The children who love doing things more than attending classes always thrive more in the homeschooling environment under the guidance of their parents.
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