‘School dropouts’ and ‘out of school’ students are deprived of several opportunities after they turn into adults. National Centre of Educational Statistics ‘US Department of Education’, has reported a count of 2.1 million
‘School dropouts’ and ‘out of school’ students are deprived of several opportunities after they turn into adults. National Centre of Educational Statistics ‘US Department of Education’, has reported a count of 2.1 million such students between the ages of 16 to 24 years (in 2017).
Is an accredited online high school diploma the solution to for these school dropouts and adults?
It is not difficult to conclude that living without a basic school qualification entails serious consequences.
In the absence of a formal educational qualification, one falls behind as compared to other peers. As per the U.S. Department of Labor, “High school dropouts are 72% more likely to be unemployed and earn $275 less than high school graduates”.
Without a high school diploma, one has to opt for a low wage job. This marks the entry into a vicious circle of poverty and struggle. Compulsion of taking up menial jobs reduces the chances of improvement in financial status.
Access to high paying jobs is for the high school pass outs and other higher degree holders. Candidates without the desired qualification have to face refusal since the very beginning of their career. And also, in many cases, they have to compromise with the nature of work that they are offered by an employer.
In the absence of a formal educational certificate, at times, prior work experience is also not counted while applying for job interviews. Such candidates often face denial in during the course of the screening process in a reputed organization.
Without a formal schooling certificate, one might be replaced with another employee who stands out with better educational qualification. Chances of dismissing staff during the recession and cost-cutting campaigns can cause additional risk to employees with low educational qualifications.
The Faculty of the Education Department, Carson-Newman University states a striking difference between the average incomes of dropouts and high school graduates:
"The average income of a High school dropout was $12,400 while that of a high school graduate was $21,000."
Government authorities around the globe do support non-traditional students/adult learners. The introduction of ‘Alternate Schools’ in the mainstream system is a legendary step taken for the welfare of the student population by the U.S government.
Below is a guideline from the “Non-traditional Undergraduates / Definitions and Data”created for the adult learners.
“Alternatively, adults who make the commitment to return to school or enrol for the first time later in life could be offered assistance in a number of ways to help them persist and attain their educational goals. Such assistance might be flexible class scheduling, child care arrangements, part-time job placement, and so on.”
Additionally, options like high school equivalent courses are also available.
However, despite all efforts, persistent issues like, financial crisis, supporting family, looking after children, single parent issues, broken family hassles, etc. keep the student at bay.
The available options to complete school education do not suit many learners who have stepped out of the mainstream education.
Quality education matters to them however, the process should be convenient as per their lifestyle.
Finding a cost-effective solution amidst the complexities of life can just be
The Best Option:
Online School!
Online school benefits can perfectly suit the adult learners. Flexible and tailor-made programs, dedicated faculty members for support, an amalgamation of blended and non-blended education helps in completion of their education with ease. These online adult high schools can suffice the purpose of any non- traditional student and yet impart high-quality education.
Across the world, online education has been considered a great choice for non-traditional learners.
For example:
‘U.S. Department of Labor’ has also acknowledged the importance of ‘Adult Education’ through online education.
Their document ‘Adult Learners in Higher Education’ ‘Barriers to Success and Strategies to Improve Results’ says “On-line education has shown significant growth, particularly with adult learners, and appears to have great potential for helping more institutions serve adult learners more effectively”.
This documents also highlights the acceptance of the online mediums (Online Adult High Schools) among students above 25 years of age. Owing to the pros of online education, over 80% of such students have preferred online education.
‘International Schooling’, is a perfect platform that can suffice to the needs of any learner. With its fully developed ‘Learning management system’ and superlative faculty it manages to provide quality education for middle school and high school students. With all the features of an Online American High School, it is an excellent platform to earn an American High School Diploma through a fully virtual medium. Students can avail online school benefits through this medium conveniently.
A high school diploma is a gateway for better job opportunities and a stable career path. The selection of the right platform guarantees a smooth transition to mainstream education.
Strengthening career pathways is possible even for non-traditional students. It is just about selecting the right path and walking on it with courage!
Edwin Lim
May 30, 2020
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Yuvraj Singh Bimwal, a Grade 11 student from Sydney, Australia, is an inspiring example of how online education enables students to pursue both their academic and extracurricular dreams.
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