If one looks around, kids today seem to be born with the ability to handle technology. Kindergarten kids can often be seen operating apps with the ease that adults can be seen struggling
If one looks around, kids today seem to be born with the ability to handle technology. Kindergarten kids can often be seen operating apps with the ease that adults can be seen struggling with. And screen-time can also be educational and not just entertaining. Instead of letting your kid watch some YouTube videos on loop, here are a few games they can play and learn from them as well.
This free quizzing app is just amazing for everybody in the family. This app has topics ranging from medieval history to Harry Potter. Whatever your interests, QuizUp has a quiz. It lets you go head-to-head against each other and challengers from across the globe. It is a great app for your kids to learn new things and master old ones. And what’s best? It is all free. They can quiz as much as they like for as long as they like. But we’d suggest you set a timer, ‘cause this can get really addictive once you start learning. Cost: Free
Duolingo is the absolute perfect app for learning language skills. It has an easy interface that lets you learn languages from a long list- Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Dutch, Irish, Danish, Hindi and English. It does not just make you learn words, but has features that allow you to learn how to speak and listen in the chosen language. Cost: Free
Just like the name says, Quick Math gives quick, simple math tests on addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The idea is just as simple. Your child needs to answer correctly as fast as they can. This game not only makes their math calculations better but also helps in bettering attention and response time. Cost: USD 1.99
This award-winning, problem-solving game is an incredibly fun way to learn fractions. It is designed for kids, but big kids will love it as well. One can see definite improvement in their kids’ concept of fractions after playing this game. Cost: USD 2.99
Star Walk for Kids will teach your children the basics of astronomy in an interesting and unusual way. The app is an entertaining astronomy game for children to learn about astronomy and our solar system while playing and having fun. Cost: USD 2.99 So go ahead, and let those waiting hours at the doctor’s, and the traffic jams not be boring but highly entertaining and educational. Because we believe that tech cannot always be a waste of time and talent.
Edwin Lim
Dec 18, 2017
Unlock Your Future Today - Enroll Now in the Best American Online School!
International Schooling recognizes the essence of delivering world-class quality education while honoring Qatar's rich cultural diversity.
International Schooling understands a lot about the strength of diversity in the classroom and its positive influence on the students.
In this blog post, we will consider various advantages of online schooling and why overseas schooling is the best fit for students in Qatar.